
https://cybertext.wordpress.com/2010/07/12/word-getting-rid-of-the-jason-tab-in-a-toc/ (2019/04/21)
修改TOC功能變數內容,加入 \w。
\w Preserves tab entries within table entries.
http://wordfaqs.ssbarnhill.com/TOCSwitches.htm (2019/04/21)
An almost useless switch(幾乎無用的開關)
The \w switch, according to Word’s Help, “preserves tab entries within table entries.” If you have a tab character in every heading at a certain level, you may find this useful. Without it, the tab character is preserved in the table of contents entry, but it doesn’t act like a tab; that is, it doesn’t advance the text following it to a tab stop; instead, it just inserts space roughly equivalent to three normal spaces or an em space.
With the \w switch, the tab character behaves as expected; if no other tab stop is set, it pushes text to the default right tab stop where the page number would normally be (the page number, if any, winds up on the next line), but you can set a custom tab stop in the TOC style for that level, and the tab character will align the following text there. If the heading doesn’t contain a tab character, though, the page number will end up at the tab stop you set instead of at the right margin. This switch is therefore of dubious usefulness unless you have a heading style that invariably includes a tab.
https://wordmvp.com/FAQs/Formatting/TOCJasonTabs.htm (2019/04/21)
"Jason tab"一名可能出自恐怖電影《13號星期五》連續殺人魔 Jason Voorhees
索引的解法又有不同,沒有 \w 開關。
TOC功能變數 英文文章
索引的解法又有不同,沒有 \w 開關。
功能變數代碼:TOC (目錄) 功能變數TOC功能變數 英文文章