2019年2月24日 星期日

The Chicago manual of style, 14 ed

1. 14 ed ToC(北市圖有書)
2. CMOS 17 ed 目錄 (北市圖有書)
3. CMOS 16 ed 目錄

The Chicago manual of style (CMOS)

University of Chicago Press, c1993.
著者: Grossman, John , ed.
ISBN: 0226103897
索書號 :808.027 C532 (北市圖), 14 ed
簡稱:CMOS(積體電路同名), CMS
主文+附件 921頁


What can we say? This weighty tome is the essential reference for all who work with words--writers, editors, proofreaders, indexers, copywriters, designers, publishers, and students. Discover who Ibid is, how to deftly avoid the split infinitive, and how to format your manuscripts to impress any professor or editor (no, putting it in a blue plastic folder is just not enough).

TOC(14 ed 待補)

CMOS 14 ed  目錄



   Part 1· Bookmaking

1. The Parts of a Book      3 (44 p) (書籍組成)
    Pages, Leaves, Versos, and Rectos 1.1
    Outline of Divisions 1.2
    Front Matter 1.4
Half-Title Page 1.4
Verso of  Half-Title Page 1.5
Title Page 1.11
Copyright Page 1.16~35
Dedication 1.36
Epigraph 1.38
Table of Contents 1.40
List of Illustrations 1.43
List of Tables 1.46
Foreword 1.47
Preface and Acknowledgments 1.48
Introduction 1.51
Other Front Matter 1.53~58
    Text 1.59 (本文) 
Chapters 1.61
Parts 1.65
Other Divisions 1.69
Subheads 1.71
Epilogues, Afterwords, and Conclusions 1.81
    Back Matter 1.82
Appendix 1.82
Notes 1.86
Bibliography or Reference List 1.88
Index 1.90
Colophon 1.91
    Running Heads 1.92 
Front Matter 1.93
Back Matter
Omission of  Running Heads 1.98
    Page Numbers 1.99 (頁碼)
Front Matter 1.100
Text  and Back Matter 1.103
More Than One Volume 1.105
    Errata 1.107
    Exterior Structure 1.109
Cover 1.109
Jacket, or Dust Wrapper 1.112
Copy and Artwork for the Cover and Jacket 1.113

2. Manuscript Preparation, and Copyediting      47 (58 p) (手稿)
    Introduction 2.1
    The Author's Manuscript 2.3
    The Editorial Function 2.53~119
    Editor and Author 2.120
    Preparation Manuscript from Printed Material 2.166
    Handling Symposium Volumes 2.177
    For Further Reference 2.186

3. Proofs       105 (20 p)  (校對)           
    First Proofs
    Correcting Proofs
    Second Proofs
    Page Proofs
    Index Proofs
    Other Proofs
    Case and Jacket, or Paperback Cover
    Press Sheets
    Finished Book
    For Further Reference 

4. Rights and Permissions      125 (32 p)
    Copyright Law and the Licensing of Rights
    The Publishing Agreement
    Publisher' Responsibilities
    Author' Responsibilities
    For Further Reference    

   Part 2 · Style

5. Punctuation      157 (36 p) (標點符號)
    Introduction 5.1
    Typographic Considerations 5.4
    Periods 5.7
    Exclamation Points 5.17
    Question Marks 5.21
    Commas 5.29~88
    Semicolons 5.89
    Colons 5.97
    Dash 5.105
    Hyphens 5.120
    Solidus 5.122
    Parentheses 5.123
    Brackets 5.128
    Quotation Marks 5.133
    Multiple Punctuation Marks 5.134
    For Further Reference 5.137
    注:沒有Spaces?→ 3.22, 3.23

6. Spelling and Distinctive Treatment of Words      193 (40 p)
    Introduction 6.1
    Spelling 6.5
         Preferences of Special Groups 6.5
         Plurals 6.7 
         Possessives 6.19
         Contractions 6.31
         Compounds Words 6.32
         Word Division 6.43
          O and Oh 6.59
          A and An 6.60
         Ligatures, or Digraphs 6.61
    Distinctive Treatment of Words 6.62~92
         Emphasis 6.64
         Foreign Words 6.66
         Special Terminology 6.71
         Quoted Phrases 6.75
         Words Used as Words 6.76
         Irony 6.78
         Slang 6.79
         Use of So-Called 6.80
         Letters Used as Words or Referred to as Letters 6.81
    Table 6.1. A Spelling Guide for Compound Words and Words with Prefixes and Suffixes, p.219~231 

7. Names and Terms       233 (60 p)
    Introduction 7.1
    Personal Names 7.6
    Nationalities, Tribes, and Other Groups of People 7.33
    Place-Names 7.36
    Words Derived from Proper Names 7.49
    Names of Organizations 7.50
    Historical and Cultural Terms 7.63
    Calendar and Time Designations 7.74
    Religious Names and Terms 7.77
    Military Terms 7.96
    Ships, Trains, Aircraft, and Spacecraft 7.99
    Scientific Terminology 7.101
    Trademarks 7.125
    Titles of Works 7.126
    For Further Reference 7.161

8. Numbers      293 (24 p)
    Introduction 8.1
    General Principles 8.2
Numerals or Words 8.3
Ordinals 8.4
Round Numbers 8.5
Consistency 8.8
First Word in Sentence 8.9
    Special Cases 8.11
Physical Quantities 8.11
Percentages and Decimal Fractions 8.17
Money 8.23
Parts of a Book 8.32
Dates 8.33
Time of Day
Name 8.51
Governmental Designations 8.56
Organizations 8.59
Addresses and Thoroughfares 8.61
   Forms and Uses of Numbers 8.64
Plurals of Numbers 8.64
Use of the Comma 8.65
Inclusive Numbers 8.68
    Roman Numerals 8.74
    Enumeration 8.75
Run-in Style 8.75
Outline Style 8.76
    For Further Reference 8.80
9. Foreign Languages in Type      317 (38 p) (外國語)
    Introduction 9.1
    Languages Using the Latin Alphabet 9.3~85
         General Principles 9.4
    Transliterated and Romanized Languages 9.86
    Editing and Composing Classical Greek 9.127
    Old English and Middle English 9.144
    For Further Reference 9.146

10. Quotations      355 (30 p) (引文)
    Introduction 10.1
    Accuracy 10.5
    Permissible Changes 10.7
    Relation to Text 10.9
    Quotation Marks 10.26
    Speech, Dialogue, and Conversation 10.36
    Ellipses 10.48
    Missing or Illegible Words 10.64
    Interpolations and Alterations 10.65
    Citing Sources in Text 10.69
    Foreign Languages Quotations 10.84

11. Illustrations, Captions, and Legends       385 (25 p)( 圖, 加上標題,加上說明標題,說明)
    Illustrations 11.1
    Captions, and Legends 11.24
    List of Illustrations 11.44
    Checking Illustrations in Proofs 11.47
    For Further Reference 11.49

12. Tables       405 (28 p)  (表格)
    Introduction 12.1
    Planning and Constructing Statistical Tables 12.4
    Arrangement of the Elements 12.13
    Estimating Size and Correcting Odd Shapes 12.53
    Special Types of Tables 12.57
    Editing Tables 12.62

13. Mathematics in Type      433 (26 p)
    Introduction 13.1
    Composition 13.3
    The Problem of Sign and Symbols 13.10
    Manuscripts Preparation 13.16
    Making Mathematical Copy 13.39
    For Further Reference 13.52

14. Abbreviations      459 (28 p)( 簡稱/縮寫)
    Introduction 14.1
    Names and Titles 14.4
    Geographical Terms 14.17
    Designations of Time 14.26
    Scholarly 14.32
    Bible 14.34
    Measure 14.36
    Science  and Technology 14.50
    Commercial Copy 14.55
    Constitutions and Bylaws 14.56
    For Further Reference 14.57

15. Documentation 1: Notes and Bibliographies      487 (150 p)
    Introduction 15.1
    Books 15.77
    Periodicals 15.204
    Subsequent or Shortened References in Notes 15.248
    Interviews and Personal Communications 15.262
    Unpublished Material 15.270
    Special Types of References 15.293
    Legal References 15.312
    Public Documents 15.322
    Musical Scores 15.412
    Nonbook Materials 15.414
    Material Obtained through Loose-Leaf, Computer, or Information Services 15.421
    Computer Programs and Electronic Documents 15.423
    Citations Taken from Secondary Sources 15.425

16. Documentation 2: Author-Date Citations and Reference Lists      637 (64 p)
    Introduction 16.1
        Author-Date Text Citations 16.3
        Reference Lists 16.18
    Books 16.32
    Periodicals 16.97
    Citations Taken from Secondary Sources 16.124
    Interviews and Personal Communications 16.126
    Unpublished Material 16.131
    Special Types of References 16.139
    Public Documents 16.148
    Musical Scores 16.199
    Nonbook Materials 16.201
    Material Obtained through Loose-Leaf, Computer, or Information Services 16.207
    Computer Programs and Electronic Documents 16.208

17. Indexes      701 (62 p) (索引)
Introduction 17.I
Definitions 17.2
Kinds of Indexes 17.2
The Entry 17.3
Subentries 17.4
Headings and Subheadings 17.5
Page References 17.9
Run in and Indented Typographical Styles 17.10
Cross-References 17.11
The Indexer 17.20
The Author as Indexer 17.21
The Professional Indexer 17.22
The Mechanics of Indexing 17.25
The Human Factor 17.25
Computer Assistance 17.26
What Parts of the Book to Index 17.27 (那些部份入索引)
Preliminary Pages, Text, and Back Matter 17.27
Notes 17.28
Author-Date Citations 17.29
Tables, Charts, and Similar Material 17.30
Workspace and Equipment for Indexing without a Computer 17.31~32 (沒有電腦時,索引所需工作空間及器材) 
The Process in Brief 17.33
First Step: Marking the Page Proofs 17.37
Second Step: Typing the Entries 17.42
Third Step: Alphabetizing the Entries 17.45
Fourth Step: Editing the Entries 17.48
When to Furnish Subentries 17.51
Arrangement of Subentries 17.54
The Problem of Sub-subentries 17.55
Punctuation 17.57
Cross-Referencing 17.60
Fifth Step: Typing, Proofreading, and the Final Review 17.62
Gauging the Length of an Index as You Go 17.65 (索引長度)
What to Do about Typos You Find 17.68 (發現錯別字如何處理)
General Principles of Indexing 17.69
Choosing Terms for Entries 17.71
Incidental Items 17.73
Making Choices between Variants 17.75
Familiar Forms of Personal Names 17.76
Pseudonyms 17.77
Persons with the Same Name 17.78
Married Women's Names 17.79
Monarchs and Popes 17.81
Titles of Nobility 17.82
Clerical Titles 17.85
Academic Titles and Degrees 17.86
Sr, Ill, Jr. 17.87
Saints 17.88
Obscure Persons 17.89
Full Form of Name 17.90
Confusing Names 17.91
Acronyms and Abbreviations of Organization Names 17.92
Newspapers 17.93
Periodicals 17.94
Titles of Artistic Works 17.95
Principles of Alphabetizing 17.97
The Two Systems 17.97
General Rules 17.99
Personal Names 17.106
Names with Particles 17.106
Names with Saint 17.107
Compound Names 17.108
Names with Mac, Mc, and M’ 17.109
Spanish Names 17.110
Hungarian Names 17.113
Arabic Names 17.114
Chinese Names 17.116
Japanese Names 17.119
Vietnamese Names 17.120
Indian Names 17.122
Burmese Names 17.123
Javanese and Other Indonesian Names 17.124
Thai Names 17.125
Other Asian Names 17.126
Personal Names Used as Names of Businesses or Other Organizations 17.127
Place-Names 17.128
Names Beginning with Mount, Lake, Cape, and the Like 17.123
Names Beginning with Non-English Articles 17.129
Names with Saint 17.130
Alphabetizing by Computer 17.131
Editing an Index Compiled by Someone Else 17.132
Copyediting Tasks 17.134
Markup 17.135
Typographical Considerations 17.136
Type Size and Column Width 17.136
Justification 17.137
Indention 17.138
Bad Breaks, Remedies, and Continued Lines 17.139
Special Typography 17.140
Examples 17.141
A Typical Scholarly Index in Run-in Style 17.141
An Index with Boldface and Italic References 17.142
Indented-Style Indexes 17.143
Typical Indented Style 17.143
Indented Style Highlighting Definitions 17.144
Use of the Dash with Run-in Subentries 17.145
Combined Indented and Run-in Style 17.146
Specialized Indexes 17.148
Authors, Titles, and First Lines of Poems 17.149
Author-Title Index 17.150
Index of First Lines 17.151
For Further Reference 17.153

     Part 3 · Production and Printing

18. Design and Typography      763 (26 p) 
Introduction 18.1
Preliminary Planning 18.3
Characteristics of the Manuscript  18.3
Castoff 18.6
Prose Texts 18.10
Typeface 18.10
Type Page and Trim Size 18.16
Spacing 18.20
Justification 18.26
Subhead 18.28
Extracts 18.30
Notes 18.33
Indexes 18.41
Display Type 18.44
Preliminaries, or Front Matter 18.45
Chapter Openings 18.50
Running Heads 18.57
Folios 18.58
Text Other Than Prose 18.59
Verse 18.59
Plays 18.62
 Layout, Specification Sheet, and Sample Pages 18.67
Layout 18.67
Specification Sheet 18.69
Sample Pages 18.71
Sample Layouts and Marked Manuscript  18.72
 For Further Reference 18.73

 19. Composition , Printing, Binding, and Papermaking       789 (32 p)
Introduction 19.1
The Preponderance of Offset Lithography 19.3
Composition and Markup 19.9
Printing 19.47
Desktop Publishing 19.61
Binding 19.64
Papermaking 19.81
For Further Reference 19.102

Glossary of Technical Terms      831
Bibliography      861
Index      871~921
