芝加哥格式手冊(CMOS) 14 ed (1993)
2.118, 檢查 1.cross reference, 2.主項目排序, 3.頁碼排序, 4.拼音/字, 5.標點。→製作「製作索引指引」
2.119, 另起新頁(奇/偶起)
Index Proofs, 3.51,
17. Indexes p.701 (62 p) 索引
Introduction 17.I ( 索引超過目次。不只是詞及片語。)
Definitions 17.2
Kinds of Indexes 17.2 (1.Author, Subject。2.不是電腦能判斷)
The Entry 17.3
Subentries 17.4
Headings and Subheadings 17.5
Page References 17.9
Run in and Indented Typographical Styles 17.10 (連續及縮排格式)
Cross-References 17.11
The Indexer 17.20 (索引者....的要求)
The Author as Indexer 17.21 ( 作者是索引者)
The Professional Indexer 17.22 ( 專業的索引者)
The Mechanics of Indexing 17.25 ( 索引技術) p.711
The Human Factor 17.25 ( 人的因素 )
At present, indexes cannot be electronically made, for the decisions required are of a far higher order than computers are yet capable of.
Computer Assistance 17.26 ( 電腦輔助)
- 只是輔助。主要工作仍需索引者完成。輔助:標題排序、整合相似的項目,消除重複的標題、檢查 cross-reference 及格式化整個索引。
- 專業英文索引軟體 CINDEX, MACREX
- 文字處理器無法完全符合索引格式需求(排序方式……)
What Parts of the Book to Index 17.27 (書本那些部份作索引)
Preliminary Pages, Text, and Back Matter 17.27
Notes 17.28 (註腳)
Author-Date Citations 17.29 (引用文獻),(Powell, 1995)
Tables, Charts, and Similar Material 17.30 (表、圖及類似物件)
- 17.27 "原則上"只作主文(text)。但其他部份若是有參考價值,也可考慮入索引。(preliminary pages, text, and back matter)
- 17.28 註腳(notes):一般不入索引。有主文以外的進一步討論,可入索引。頁碼用加註斜體 n 表示,如 134 n (數字和n之間用hair space分隔)。
- 一頁有多個註腳索引,再加標註腳號碼。
- 章末註腳(endnotes)可能加標內文頁碼會更有用。 但在索引開始處要有說明。
- 17.29 author-date citations:一般不入註腳。看作註腳另一形。
- 17.30 表、圖及類似物件:入索引。加標圖表編號。
Workspace and Equipment for Indexing without a Computer 17.31
(作索引沒有電腦時的工作空及器材) 餐桌
- 17.32 3x5" card, tab divider, 檔案盒, 打字機, 標準尺寸(8 1/2 x 11")好品質紙
The Process in Brief 17.33 ( 程序簡介)
First Step: Marking the Page Proofs 17.37 ( 步驟1: 紙本標示)
Second Step: Typing the Entries 17.42 ( 步驟2: 鍵入項目(entries) )
Third Step: Alphabetizing the Entries 17.45 ( 步驟3: 排序項目)
Fourth Step: Editing the Entries 17.48 ( 步驟4: 編輯項目)
When to Furnish Subentries 17.51
Arrangement of Subentries 17.54
The Problem of Sub-subentries 17.55
Punctuation 17.57
Cross-Referencing 17.60
Fifth Step: Typing, Proofreading, and the Final Review 17.62 ( 步驟5: 排版,
Gauging the Length of an Index as You Go 17.65 (度量索引長度)
- 17.65 長度因書本複雜的程度而異。
- scholarly book 可能從 1/50(one-fiftieth)到1/20(one-twentieth)的主文長度,2欄、較主文小 2 pt。例如:一本300頁的書,可能索引是從6至15頁,依格式而異(一般在2欄, run-in格式的索引,大約有100行。)。(CMOS index 57*2)
- 17.66 1頁5個references(1/50, one-fiftieth, 2/100)產生短索引,15或更多references (1/20, one-twentieth, 5/100)將產生長索引。
- *** index of CMOS(1993), 1.57 line * 2 column, 2.主文829頁, 3.921(主+索) - 871(主) = 50+1(頁), 索引佔比 51/829=6.15/100 大於 5/100。
- 17.67 出版社決定索引長度。有助索引者工作。
What to Do about Typos You Find 17.68 ( 發現的"錯別字"如何處理。基本上索引者不是在定稿上作索引。)
General Principles of Indexing 17.69 ( 索引一般原則)
Choosing Terms for Entries 17.71
Incidental Items 17.73
Making Choices between Variants 17.75
Familiar Forms of Personal Names 17.76
Pseudonyms 17.77
Persons with the Same Name 17.78
Married Women's Names 17.79
Monarchs and Popes 17.81
Titles of Nobility 17.82
Clerical Titles 17.85
Academic Titles and Degrees 17.86
Sr., Ill, Jr. 17.87
Saints 17.88
Obscure Persons 17.89
Full Form of Name 17.90
Confusing Names 17.91
Acronyms and Abbreviations of Organization Names 17.92
Newspapers 17.93
Periodicals 17.94
Titles of Artistic Works 17.95
Principles of Alphabetizing 17.97 (排序)
The Two Systems 17.97
General Rules 17.99
Personal Names 17.106
Names with Particles 17.106
Names with Saint 17.107
Compound Names 17.108
Names with Mac, Mc, and M’ 17.109
Spanish Names 17.110
Hungarian Names 17.113
Arabic Names 17.114
Chinese Names 17.116
Japanese Names 17.119
Vietnamese Names 17.120
Indian Names 17.122
Burmese Names 17.123
Javanese and Other Indonesian Names 17.124
Thai Names 17.125
Other Asian Names 17.126
Personal Names Used as Names of Businesses or Other Organizations 17.127
Place-Names 17.128
Names Beginning with Mount, Lake, Cape, and the Like
Names Beginning with Non-English Articles 17.129
Names with Saint 17.130
Alphabetizing by Computer 17.131
Editing an Index Compiled by Someone Else 17.132-133 (編輯index)
- Copyediting Tasks 17.134 (審稿者工作。check 12項。(12) 5%隨機檢查)
- Markup 17.135 (標記。6項。1.第一頁始, 2.type spec., 3. , 4.註腳(n)前後空隙, 5.不同分類(例筆劃)區隔, 6.所有頁都依順序。)
Typographical Considerations 17.136 ( 排版考量)
Type Size and Column Width 17.136 (點數及欄寬)
Justification 17.137 ( 對齊)
Indention 17.138 (縮排)
Bad Breaks, Remedies, and Continued Lines 17.139
- 17.139 (不好的分斷、補救措施、Continued 行) 分行(一行容納不下主/次索引詞。可能和下一階混淆。)、跨頁。長索引時,跨頁。補救:1. 改變欄寬, 2.行末加註說明(英文行末加"(Continued )"例見p.753頁末及754。
Special Typography 17.140 (特殊排版)
Examples 17.141 ( 範例)
A Typical Scholarly Index in Run-in Style 17.141
An Index with Boldface and Italic References 17.142
Indented-Style Indexes 17.143
Typical Indented Style 17.143
Indented Style Highlighting Definitions 17.144
Use of the Dash with Run-in Subentries 17.145
Combined Indented and Run-in Style 17.146
Specialized Indexes 17.148
Authors, Titles, and First Lines of Poems 17.149
Author-Title Index 17.150
Author-Title Index 17.150
Index of First Lines 17.151
For Further Reference 17.153 (參考資料)
17.153 For an excellent and extensive discussion of indexing and indexes see Nancy Mulvany, Indexing Books.
17.153 For an excellent and extensive discussion of indexing and indexes see Nancy Mulvany, Indexing Books.